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Ramblings March 31, 2018

* Mom's surgery yesterday went quite well. Everything was on time. The surgeon removed two lymph nodes which were both free of cancer on frozen section (which is about 85% sensitive) as well as the tumor (which was less than 1cm).

* Mom is famous for waking up poorly from anesthesia. This time, she woke up with only mild nausea. When I got to go in and see her, she was sitting up and in only moderate pain. We got home by 4pm. This is the best I've seen her post-operatively, probably ever.

* Of course, I had a post-stress migraine today, but, with the new keto diet, the migraine resolved with medications and didn't last terribly long.

* One of the most exciting things that has happened since I've been here is that Patrick won one of the Herb Kohl Fellowship Awards this year!! It is so wonderful to see him honored for something that I know he's excellent at doing! He really works hard to connect with students and I'm glad to see him recognized for it!

* The keto diet is great, but not perfect. I did have a wicked migraine on Tuesday of this week that ended up with Mom taking me to a local urgent care center for injections. They don't do iv fluids (which would have been nice), but some pain meds and nausea meds calmed things down. It's been over a year since I've had a migraine I couldn't handle at home.

* Speaking of keto, yesterday was the first day I've actually cheated and consciously gone above 20g of net carbs. The cafe at the hospital did not have any high fat, moderate protein food that I liked. I got a salad, but the "chicken" cubes were horrible and the only dressing I liked was low fat and I didn't like it that much. I finally got an ice cream bar. And I enjoyed those extra ten grams of carbs. Back to watching carbs again today. And doing lots of exercise tomorrow when my head is back to normal!

* It's Easter weekend and snowing in Weyauwega. I do feel really bad for my poor family while I'm enjoying lovely spring weather here in Georgia. Really. I do.

* Rory, one of my cats, is really missing our "lap time". She's not so happy, but she's making do with Patrick. When he comes home from work, she insists on sitting on his lap. And when I call, she tries to rub up against the phone. I think we'll have some extended lap time when I get home.

* I finished up the Christmas socks for my Aunt Chris (Mom lost the original pair - long story). I'll take pictures and post them in the knitting section soon.

* Instead of a fancy Easter dinner, my brother and his family are coming over and we're going to have pizza (I'll have an order of wings). Everyone will get to see Mom, but nobody has to worry about cooking. And, I hear that there might be some chocolate bunnies for the nephews. Just a rumor . . .

So, how are you celebrating Easter?


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